Renting out your property comes with a lot to think about as a landlord.
A key point is making sure you can pass the water consumption costs to your tenant. The simplest way to achieve this is by teaming up with a reliable plumbing company to get a water efficiency certificate in Queensland.
Luckily, Big Blue Plumbing is here to solve your plumbing issues, upgrade pipes, and help you get a water efficiency certificate. We prioritise earning your trust by ensuring the job is completed hassle-free for you.
How Can You Obtain A Water Efficiency Certificate?
Our plumbers will check if the property is individually metered and certified. They’ll also verify if the tenancy agreement states the tenant pays for water usage.
You may need to provide previous plumbing reports, manuals, or receipts for taps and showerheads. Once everything checks out, we’ll assist you in obtaining the plumbing water efficiency certificates in QLD by:
- Upgrading outlets and tapware
- Installing flow restrictors
- Installing flow-restricting fittings at the back of the spouts
- Installing flow restrictors directly into the tap
Things to Keep in Mind About Your Certification
To get plumbing water efficiency certificates in QLD, you must meet several criteria:
- Showerheads must maintain a flow rate of 9 litres per minute
- The property should have its own meter
- Toilets need a dual flush system using no more than 6.5 litres fully flushed and 3.5 litres halfway.
You’ll still receive the water bill and need to pay it fully. Afterwards, send a copy to your tenants to charge them, as they won’t be billed directly by water suppliers.