Is your bathroom looking a bit cluttered or outdated? Installing a new vanity could totally transform the space.
A new vanity is perfect for storing towels and necessities while neatly concealing plumbing. While you might go the DIY route, it’s often much easier to let our team take care of the installation for you.
You can trust our team at Big Blue Plumbing to meet your needs and install a vanity with the most incredible precision and accuracy.
Do You Need A Vanity Installed?
Exposed plumbing pipes under the sink can be pretty unappealing to look at. In addition, if many people share one bathroom, things are bound to get messy.
A vanity is a definite solution if you look at ways to make the bathroom more appealing and mess-free. Since the vanity usually goes around the sink and is quite large, it can easily cover the pipes. Plus, it can be an ideal storage space for bathroom essentials.
Trust Our Experienced Plumbers
Installing a new vanity can be very beneficial since it improves the bathroom’s overall aesthetic. However, it would be best if you did it right, requiring the correct set of experienced hands. If you want to install a vanity in your bathroom, you can count on us.
If you wish to change the vanity’s location, we can install new pipes and fittings and replace your faucets with more modern models.
On contacting us, we will arrive on time and first look at what we are working with. After that, we will mark the walls, fit the vanity, and ensure it is safe from water damage. We will also connect the pipes and taps to ensure the whole thing is ready to use. Everything will be tested before we leave to ensure your bathroom plumbing runs smoothly.