Occasionally, you might need emergency plumbing help, but it’s important to keep in mind that not every issue demands urgent attention from the professionals.
If you suddenly have less water coming through the taps, it’s likely because of maintenance work on the community water supply. Similarly, blocked drains are usually sorted with a good drain cleaner. So, these are seen as minor repairs.
Conversely, if a plumbing issue poses a risk to your family’s safety, it’s serious. In such cases, getting in touch with expert plumbing services is crucial at the first sign of trouble.
A typical example is a malfunctioning water heater, which can cause trouble if not quickly addressed by a reputable plumber. Likewise, a gas-carrying pipe that’s broken might explode if left unchecked.
Hence, we have created this guide to help you figure out which problem can be considered a plumbing emergency. So, without further delay, let’s begin!
What Is A Plumbing Emergency?
You need emergency plumbing services when a problem with your plumbing system could seriously harm your property or health. For example, a gas leak poses a serious risk because it can lead to a fire in your home.
In this section, we have listed all the potential plumbing emergencies on the Sunshine Coast.
A. Ruptured Pipes And Gas Leaks
A burst pipe is a frequent plumbing emergency because it can seriously damage your home. Plus, water from these leaks can cause slips or even lead to electrocution if it reaches electrical outlets.
Usually, ruptured pipes may occur in your house if they are already corroded or damaged. Moreover, invading tree roots can damage the pipes in the vicinity and cause leaks or bursts.
It would be best to immediately shut off the main water supply whenever you notice a ruptured pipe. Additionally, removing the furniture and electrical equipment near the rupture source can prevent them from getting damaged.
Some pipes are designed to carry the gas to your kitchen; therefore, you can have a possible gas leak if the pipes burst. All natural gas has a strong smell, so you can quickly identify the leak through the odour. Leaking gas can cause difficulty in breathing, and excessive exposure to the gas can put your life at risk.
Given the potential for extensive property damage, it’s crucial not to ignore a burst pipe for too long. After attempting to seal the damaged area, you should immediately call an emergency plumbing service.
B. Blocked Toilet
If you notice a foreign object blocks your toilet or the flow system is malfunctioning, we suggest turning off the main water supply. This will give you a better view of the main toilet system while inspecting the problem.
Addressing a clogged toilet can be straightforward once you break the clog to reach the drain. A plunger can often be your best ally in dislodging a stubborn toilet clog. This will eventually force the clog to flush down the drain.
On the other hand, if the toilet’s pipes hold still, pressurised water could lead to a hazardous situation. Thus, it’s crucial to contact a licensed plumber promptly to resolve this problem.
C. Water Heater Breakdown
When it comes to water heaters, several reasons can cause them to break down, resulting in issues such as dripping tanks, smelly water, water leak or extreme temperature water. Moreover, the water heater will become noisy and inconvenient each time you use it.
We recommend hiring a professional plumber to fix the problem if the heater leaks. However, you won’t need a plumber’s assistance if there is no water leak in the heater. Try to flush the tank and see if it resolves the colour and smelly water issues. Flushing the tank may also improve the efficiency of the heater.
In contrast, boiling and cold water are clear indicators of a malfunctioning hot water system; hence, we suggest staying far away from the heater as it can explode. A malfunctioning water heater can cause serious damage to the wall and ceiling if it explodes. It can also injure people if they are close to the explosion.
Turning off the heater will prevent the appliance from exploding, but this is only a temporary solution. You can either repair the heater or replace it with a new model.
D. A Malfunctioning Sump Pit
When you notice the sump pit is not working, remove the screen to ensure the waste doesn’t block the wheel from spinning. On the contrary, if the wheel is working, there may be a problem with the sump pump. One of the main reasons it can malfunction is when the pump doesn’t receive sufficient power from the power supply.
Also, leaving the pump on for an extended period can cause it to shut down entirely because of overload. Moreover, you should ensure the basement doesn’t get flooded during a storm, as it can cause the sump pit to malfunction. We recommend closing all the doors and entrances to the basement to prevent the basement from flooding.
If you have a power outage during a natural calamity, we suggest keeping a backup battery connected to the sump pit; otherwise, it will not work efficiently.
E. Shower And Bathtubs Blockage
Picture taking a shower and suddenly the water starts creeping up past your ankles! That’s a sure sign that your bathtub is clogged and needs attention to work properly again.
Several objects can cause a blocked bathtub, such as body hair, broken hair, soap, tissue paper, etc. Also, a shower drain can get blocked if dust collects in the holes. You can avoid this problem by cleaning the shower head regularly.
On the other hand, be careful wherever you notice a blocked bathtub. Carelessly trying to move while the bathtub is flooded can cause you to slip and have a serious injury.
F. Leaking Hoses On Washing Machine
If you own a washing machine, you should always keep an eye on the hose. A washing machine hose is usually hard to notice; therefore, a tiny break or rupture in the hose can cause a massive leakage. The water leaks from the hose, which can damage your property and even tarnish the floors.
Moreover, a leaking washing machine can flood your house if you are not careful enough. If you notice this problem, we recommend getting the machine repaired by a professional.
G. Failure In The HVAC System
Most plumbing systems are designed to work with the HVAC system; hence, a defective HVAC system can cause plumbing issues. Usually, a pipe connects the two systems and water droplets from one system to another.
However, if a malfunction occurs, it causes some HVAC system components to heat and cool abnormally, which can cause a severe explosion. Keeping this in mind, we recommend covering the refrigerant and replacing the filtration to prevent the HVAC from malfunctioning.
The HVAC system performs better if the temperature is consistent throughout. Besides causing severe damage to your property, you might face a sudden rise in the current bill.
H. Sewer System Backups
A sewage system backup is one of the most extreme plumbing emergencies, given the extensive damage it can cause. Moreover, a sewer backup is usually expensive to clean and can cause a health hazard. You can spot a sewer line backing up whenever you notice a clogged drain, smelly odours or babbling noise from the toilet.
If you don’t take care of overflowing sewage, it can spread germs and bacteria all over your house. Some of these can even be life-threatening as well. Most sewage systems are filled with bacteria, pollutants and viruses, which can put your life at risk. Therefore, it becomes critical to recognise when you need an emergency plumber, as they are equipped with the necessary tools to handle such complex issues.
Never try to clean the sewage yourself, as the harmful chemicals in the sewage can affect your health.
In such situations, it is important to call an emergency plumbing service to address the emergency plumbing issue promptly. A local emergency plumber can quickly diagnose and resolve the emergency plumbing problem, preventing further damage and ensuring the safety of your home. Addressing any emergency plumbing issues as soon as possible is crucial to avoid the spread of germs and bacteria throughout your property.
I. Sweating Walls
On the Sunshine Coast, you may notice sweating walls as the water within the pipes freezes up during the cold season. Excess humidity during summer and winter can reach the pipes surrounded by thick walls, causing water droplets to appear on the wall. If you notice this, you should understand this as water leaks since the pipes are perfectly fine.
Nonetheless, sweating walls is a big inconvenience since they can cause the paint to become dull. For instance, sweating walls can act as a breeding ground for mould and mildew to grow naturally, and this can cause your wall to look dull. Besides, the carpet and floor can absorb the extra moisture, leaving a musty smell all over your house.
J. Poor Water Pressure
Poor water pressure usually occurs when a foreign object or hindrance prevents the water from flowing naturally to the plumbing system. For instance, installing new water fixtures can change the flow of water, resulting in a sluggish water supply.
Similarly, if the water valve is not opened properly, it can cause insufficient water pressure to enter the main plumbing system. The same can be said for the pressure relief valve since a malfunction can cause poor water pressure levels. Therefore, you must regularly inspect your plumbing system to ensure everything works optimally.
Identifying Plumbing Emergencies
Once you have figured out the common plumbing emergencies your plumbing system faces, there are two things to do. Firstly, you should always turn off the main water supply whenever you notice a problem with the plumbing system. This will ensure that the water doesn’t get wasted if there is a leak or damage in the pipes.
Contact a local plumber or emergency plumbing service to fix the problem. We’d suggest doing some research about emergency plumbers so that you can find a reliable one.
With that, it’s a wrap. See you next time!